CBD and Food Addiction

Our ancestors relied on “food addiction” to survive. Well, Kind of. Our bodies are designed to release feel-good hormones (dopamine and serotonin) in the event of eating carbohydrates, fat, salt, and sugar. This is because these types of “high energy” foods were not easily accessible during the Paleolithic period but they were necessary to survival. So, when you came across a berry bush (carbohydrate) with high sugar content, it would spike your feel-good hormones, causing you to want more of them, in turn giving you more energy to hunt and make it through the winter.


In the year 2020, we have Carbohydrates, fat, salt, sugar, etc. all bundled up in pretty little packages at the grocery store to buy whenever we would like them. This, along with our body’s natural reaction to these kinds of food, cause us to eat more than we should, crave the foods when we don’t have them, and gain weight. So, how do you stop these cravings from happening once in the vicious cycle? Dwight Christie with GreenDoor Health says CBD is the answer!


I invited Dwight to be on the Stealth Health Podcast this past week to talk about the way his clients implement CBD into their routine to help balance hormones to reduce cravings. Many of his clients have had amazing results with his program and implementing his products. Listen to the episode here:


You can find Dwight and his products at GreenDoorHW.com

CBD has many health benefits, I use it in massage to help eliminate inflammation and to relax the muscles faster. If you would like to experience GreenDoor’s CBD Freeze Cream in all of it’s glory before purchasing, book a CBD massage with me today!